Reunion '13 Philadelphia, PA - 2-6 SEPTEMBER 2013 USS
PICKING (DD-685) 26th Flo and Tony Cellucci, hosts of the Reunion Flo and Tony The 26th Reunion of the USS Picking was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at the Lowes Hotel in downtown Philadelphia. We had some first time attendees who were welcomed into the group. A few regulars missed this reunion and were missed but at least one of them has assured me that he will be with us in Colorado Springs in 2015. Thanks to Roberta Cox and Doyt Sheets for their photographs that are shared here.
World War II shipmates (Bill Salassi, Clyde Connelley, Paul Whitfield) 1950s to 1961 shipmates 1962 and later shipmates Ship's officers The ship's ladies (official photographer was on a ladder so they are looking up at him) We thank all hands who attended and we are pleased to welcome these first-timers to our fraternity - Don and Peg Higgins, Don Landis, Mike and Cheryl Overschmidt, Tom Overschmidt, Dennis and Donna Read, Pete and Connie Sanzone, and Dan and Helen Dugan. May God bless and keep you all until we next meet in September 2015 in Colrado Springs! |