February 2, 1944                     Zone description plus ten:

         Steaming as before.

0050     Changed speed to 15 knots.

0150     Changed base course to 243° T&G, 253° psc.

0500     Ceased zigzagging.

0800     Position Latitude 52°32’ N, Longitude 170°48’ B.

0917     Commenced zigzagging according to plan.

1020      Changed speed to 16 knots.

1200      Position Latitude 49°35’ N, Longitude 161°OO.1’ E.

1736      Changed base course to 244° T&G, 253° psc.

2000      Position Latitude 48°55’ N, Longitude 157°20’ E.

February 3, 1944                     Zone description plus ten:

          Steaming as before.

0800      Position Latitude 49°57’ N, Longitude 162°14’ E.

1125-     Test fired 40mm battery, expending 62 rounds 40mm AA ammunition.


1200      Position Latitude 48°57’ N, Longitude 160°35’ E.

1210      Changed speed to 21 knots.

1600      Changed course to 254° T&G, 253° psc.

2000      Position Latitude 48°26’ N, Longitude 156°55’ E.

2200      Changed base course to 335° T&G, 253° psc. Took station in advanced

          screening disposition. Ceased zigzagging.

2300      Changed speed to 25 knots.


February 4, 1944                     Zone description plus ten:

          Steaming as before.

0002      Changed base course to 350° T&G, 301° psc.

0030      Changed base course to 335° T&G, 330° psc.

0130      Left Task Group 94.6 in company with Task Unit 94.6.3. Commenced steaming various courses and speeds while approaching southern shore of Paramushiro Island, Kurile group, Japan. OTC is ComDesRon 49 in PICKING.

0224      Set course 110° T&G, 109° psc. Speed 20 knots.

0230      Commenced firing shore bombardment on Musashi Wan, Kurabu Zaki area of Paramushiro Island, Japan in accordance with ComNorPac operation order 2-44.  (Report of action made in CO PICKING secret letter DD685/A12-l/A16--l serial 001 of 5 February 1944.)

0253      Ceased firing, having expended 742 rounds 5/38 AA-common ammunition.

0300      Changed course to 150° T&G, 149° psc. Commenced retirement.

0310      Commenced steaming various courses and speeds while effecting rendezvous with Task Group 94.6.

0410      Rejoined Task Group 94.6. Took station in destroyer anti-submarine screen. Position 4000 yards ahead of guide. Set course llO° T&G, 125° psc. Speed 25 knots.

0449      Commenced zigzagging according to plan.

1100      Changed base course to 063° T&G, 062° psc.

1105      Took station in task group anti-submarine screen.

1200      Position Latitude 52°1O.2’ N, Longitude 170°25’ E.

2000      Position Latitude 5l°55' N, Longitude l72°lO’ E. Changed base course to 066° T&G, 064° psc. Changed speed to 18 knots. Took station in anti-submarine screen. PICKING 4000 yards ahead of guide.


February 5, 1944                     Zone description plus ten:

Steaming as before.

0800      Position Latitude 51°50’ N, Longitude 170°28’ E.

0900      Took station in scouting line, distance between ships 8000 yards. PICKING in station adjacent and to right of guide.

1155      Sighted Attu, Alaska bearing 035° T, distance 31 miles.

1243      Resumed station in anti-submarine screen, position 4000 yards ahead of guide.

1337      Changed base course to 035° T&G, 021° psc.

1456      Took station in channel formation, ships in column distance 1000 yards. PICKING column leader.

1530      Changed speed to 15 knots.

1535      Left formation in company with U.S.S. WICKES and U.S.S. YOUNG to commence search for lost planes in accordance with ComNorPac secret dispatch 052359 of February 1944. Set course 270° T&G, 265° psc. Changed speed to 20 knots. OTC is ComDesRon 49 in PICKING.

1540      Changed speed to 25 knots.

1740      Changed base course to 156° T&G, 163 psc. Changed speed to 10 knots.

          Ships in scouting line 10,000 yards.

1755      Changed base course to 1700 T&G, 170° psc.

1932      Changed speed to 15 knots.

2000      Position Latitude 52°21.l’ N, Longitude 171°59.5 E. Commenced firing starshells at 45 minute intervals to aid in search.

2315      Changed speed to 12 knots.

2338      Changed base course to l300 T&G, 140 psc. Changed speed to 10 knots.


February 6, 1944                     Zone description plus ten

          Steaming as before.

0030      Ceased firing starshells, having expended eight rounds 5”/38 Illuminating ammunition.

0800      Position Latitude 5l°13.5’ N, Longitude 173°07’ E.

1155      Set course for Adak, Alaska in accordance with ComNorPac secret dispatch 061945 of February 1944. Changed base course to 085° T&G,

          095 psc. Ships in column open order. PICKING guide.

1200      Position Latitude 50°54’ N, Longitude l73°45’ E. Changed speed to 15 knots.

1807      Changed speed to 18 knots.

2000      Position Latitude 51°02’ N, Longitude 177°l4’ E.

2345      Changed base course to 095° T&G, 098° psc.


February 7, 1944 _________           Zone description plus ten:

          Steaming as before.

0050      Changed base course to 105° T&G, 104° psc.

0053      Changed speed to 23 knots.

0615      Changed base course to 0900 T&G, 088° psc.

0800      Position Latitude 52°l5’ N, Longitude l79°45’ W.

0825      Changed speed to 25 knots.

0945      Changed base course to 125° T&G, 135° psc.

0947      Sighted Great Sitken Island bearing 110° T, distance 28 miles.

0948      Changed base course to llO° T&G, 115° psc.

1040      Changed base course to 180° T&G, 184° psc.

1050      Commenced steaming various courses and speeds while standing through Kuluk Bay.

1134      Entered Sweepers Cove, Adak, Alaska.

1141      Moored to Buoy #1, Sweepers Cove, Adak, Alaska. Various units of U.S. Fleet present in harbor. SOPA is ComNorPac.

1200      U.S.S. YOUNG moored alongside to port.

1210      U.S.S. WICKES moored alongside U.S.S. YQUING.

1320      U.S.S. SPROSTON moored alongside to starboard.


February 8, 1944                     Zone description plus ten:

          Moored as before.


February 9, 1944                     Zone description plus ten:

          Moored as before.


February 10, 1944                    Zone description plus ten:

          Moored as before.


February 11, 1944                    Zone description plus ten:

          Moored as before.


February 12, 1944                    Zone description plus ten:

          Moored as before.


February 13, 1944                    Zone description plus ten:

          Moored as before.