

Reunion '09

San Antonio, TX -  12-15 October 20 09

Fredericksburg - Nimitz Museum and National Museum - Pacific

The Nimitz Museum is housed in the old Nimitz Hotel which has been restored to its appearance when  operated by the Nimitz family.  As you can see, the front facade resembles a steamboat.

We went here to dedicate a plaque to the USS Picking and all who served on her. It will be a lasting memorial to our ship and its distinguished history.

Our shipmate Chuck Kemmerling has brought the model he built of the Picking to every reunion he attended. At this one, he decided to donate it to the Nimitz Museum to share her with the world. Thanks Chuck!

Much of the ceremony was held inside the museum due to the grounds being wet from an earlier rain. Ian Blackie came dressed as a true Scotsman to be the piper for the event. A great meal of Texas barbequed beef and sausage was served with all the trimmings. The hall had been decorated by Jim and Donna Horn. Another World War II Picking veteran joined us for the ceremony, Billy Joe Shepherd and his wife.

Chuck transferring his model to Helen McDonald of the Nimitz Museum

We were welcomed by Larry Werts of the Museum. Shipmates Ed Gavin, Chuck Hendryx, and Doyt Sheets (not shown), gave their history of our ship in World War II, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam War, respectively.

Ian Blackie (l), and our gals wearing their Picking t-shirts

Billy Joe and Peggy Shepherd


The group then went outside to the garden area for the dedication of the plaque. Photos are posted on the opening page for Reunion 2009.